Strong and Courageous Study
A five week study for parents and kids involved in select sports or travel ball.
Through this short story, parents and players will have a chance to discuss challenges their kids are facing, what it means to have conviction, and how the choices they make today will affect who they become tomorrow.
Travel Talk is a resource for generating meaningful conversations between Parents and Teens that you can use while you travel to your Tournaments.
Week 1
The Secret to Good Decision Making
The decisions you are making today will determine the person you become tomorrow. The secret to making good decisions is defining the kind of person you want to be in the future. When you define that, you make decisions that take you closer to the person you want to be and you avoid the things that take you further away from who you want to be.

Raising Teenagers in Today's World is not Easy!

Week 2
Be Courageous in Your Convictions
Convictions are what you stand for. They are the values that are important to you. Convictions are important no matter your age because without them, you will fall for anything. How do you establish your convictions and then stand strong when they are challenged?
We all get discouraged from time to time especially in the world of sports. It is important to understand that there is a right way and a wrong way to handle discouragement. How do you make sure you are handling it correctly?

Week 3
Be Strong in Times of Discouragement
Week 4
Be Strong in Times of Leadership
There is a difference between being a leader and being a bully. You have to earn the right to lead. How do you do that and what is your leadership style?

Week 5
Be Strong and Courageous - Do the Work
The world needs teenagers who refuse to follow the crowd. We need teenagers who have the courage to stand up and do the right thing despite the opinions of others. When one does it, there will be another who finds the courage to do it to and it will continue to grow from there. Are you ready to do the work?